July wasn't all fun and games. We also had a few medical issues to deal with. My poor husband is still dealing with an infection in his mouth. We are praying they finally got it this time (after 3 surgeries). His leg is healing slowly but surely. I had an HSG done. They injected dye into my fallopian tube to see if there was a blockage. I will be discussing this more in a later post. Then there is Kyle...poor little man. He was climbing a tree and lost his footing, slid down and sliced his leg open on a small piece of branch that was sticking out. It wasn't pretty...LOTS OF BLOOD...a panicky mama....lots of tears...needles and stitches. Whew! Fortunately, as daddy says, girls like scars. Good thing, because it's a good one! I did take pictures but I will spare you. :)
Praise the Lord our medical needs are quite minor compared to many. We feel very blessed to have great medical insurance to take care of the needs and for the overall wonderful health of our family!
I had a HSG done and it was extremely painful. I hope everyone heals up soon!