

In the blog world you see Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday and so forth.  I have decided to start a Seriously??? Saturday.  Between having  a somewhat larger family than normal, homeschooling, and now adopting there are some very interesting (and rude) comments that come about.   I am part of 2 different forums, one for large families and one for adoption, and in both these forums there are regular posts about comments that have been directed at different families.  Some of these comments are innocent but can still be annoying after the 20th time hearing them, some of these are uneducated responses coming from well meaning strangers and some are just plain, jaw dropping, eyes popping, unbelievably rude!  So, I thought I would share these comments that make you say...SERIOUSLY??? 

I will start with some of the "milder" comments such as: 

"Wow, you really have your hands full."  ~Technically, your hands would be full with two kids!  This is one I hear often and we only have 4 children.  I know "my hands" are full but my heart is not!  There is so much more love to give to any child the Lord sends my way, whether it be through birth or adoption.

Pertaining to home schooling:  "I could never do that, I dont have the patience."  I realize home schooling is not for everyone and it does take a lot of patience.  Let me tell you, I am NOT a patient person!  I also firmly believe that anyone who has been give the desire to home school CAN do it!  We can do all things through Christ! 

Last but certainly not least:  "Why dont you adopt a child from this country?"  I dont think there is really anything wrong with this question other than it really shouldn't matter where we adopt from.  There are many differences between international and domestic adoption and it is a very personal decision.  I do plan to blog about this question in the near future as I think it is a common and valid question.

I love to talk about my family and I do not mind friends, family or strangers asking questions.  There is a respectful way to ask these questions and honestly, sometimes it is just none of your business.

Have a blessed weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I have been asked those same questions more times than I care to count. I love knowing there are people all over the world who have similar values as our family. So glad to have been introduced to your awesome family.
